Sunday, November 27, 2011

April 2011

There are days when grief gets too much that only tears can speak its words. Today is not such a day. I am thankful.

How many times have you said "Oh my God" and truly meant it?

Very few choices are irreversible.

You will see traces of your loved ones when you remember them. They are invisible when you forget.

Trying to remember what I've forgotten and trying to forget what I remember. Its as hard as forgetting something I don't know.

In God, we trust. In others, we play it by ear.

Almost always, it takes someone's death to remind us how to live well.

The courage to choose and face consequences of choices are elements needed in acquiring wisdom.

It takes a beautiful soul to see the beautify in another and help that light shine through like a bright sunny day.

I know for sure that I am loved. Nothing else matters.

God's delay is not God's denial. Keep the faith. Drop the doubt.

The whole purpose of communication is to understand and be understood. Manipulation is not part of this equation.

True wisdom is not in the spoken words but in knowing when to shut up.

Your ideals are not your limitations.

God allows for sins to happen in order to teach us humility. No one is immune to it. Beware.

Its wonderful when people show they care but its a true blessing when people genuinely pray for your total well-being. That's God's love.

The first step towards self-improvement is to take responsibility and ownership of your own flaws. Its always an 'inside' job.

Be grateful for NOW. It only comes once.

Sympathy is not love. Attention is not love. Sincerity is love.

Love heals. Hate kills. Perfection is fiction.

The heart never lies and the eyes will always reveal the truth.

If you try to control love, it will disappear.

Do not let the thoughts in your head get to you. There's a difference between reality and opinion.

For as long as you can articulate it, you still lack depth and understanding of the matter.

Just shut up for a while and let people believe that you're actually intelligent.

I'm happily married. - 4th April, 2011.

Waiting for merciful blessings with quiet anxiety.

Even the most expensive silk came from a measly worm. Unless you know exactly how you're gonna end up, don't judge others.

If you don't do it, someone else will... Food for thought.

As much as you strive for your ideals, it is your humanness that keeps you real.

I love getting attention... But only from the ones I'm giving it to.

The best gift you can ever give to your beloved is the best of you.

Unsolicited advice will fall on deaf ears.

The past may be different from how you remember it.

As you sit on your high horse, do remember you need an ass to give you that height. Pay tribute to those who played their part in your life.

Obsessing about something will only give you anxiety and not much of anything else.

You think you know people and then they say something really stupid that makes you go "Yucks!"

I just don't know how to answer stupid questions intelligently.

Nothing spoils a good quote than bad grammar.

Now that I've made my boundaries known, I will be offended if you trip over it again; for I shall see it as intentionally hurtful.

Ask curious questions and you will get very interesting answers. Curiosity breeds interest.

A single hug can be more meaningful than countless comforting words.

Practice random acts of kindness today. It's nice to be on the receiving end. But it's gotta begin somewhere. Might as well start from you.

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